Friday, September 24, 2010

All Grown Up

So last weekend Rick, Bacon, and I drove the 5 plus hours to Milwaukee.  To our surprise Bacon slept almost the whole way. He LOVES being  in the car. We spent lots of time with my brothers kids and I took out the camera once again to shoot them in action.  They are definitely a lot more expressive then they used to be. Elijah is full of funny faces and actually likes being in front of the camera now. 
Little Elizabeth is really growing into her features. I think she is becoming such a pretty mix of my brother and her mommy.  The sweatshirt she is wearing is one of my designs.  I love it!!  Buy you’re here online or at your local Target Store. P.Ss it comes in Pink too...

1 comment:

  1. Can I please have copies of these?! They are adorable!
