Monday, January 24, 2011

So It GOES...

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Life has a curious way of getting away from me. One minute I turn and look and I have plenty of time until Christmas, the  next minute I turn around it is the end of January... Christmas and New Years are long gone, I'm in a new job, with new shoes, and a new need for a vacation.  Speaking of NEW Rick returned home from a weekend with the boys with what I will now refer to as "cheveron -Tom". That is if I combine the above Stache posters.  He says he looks like Mario...I say it's simply not his best look. I prefer the full stuble - and I say stuble because it's sexier than a full beard.  Any way I am definitly not focused on the task at hand which should be Year End Reviews. Instead I thought I would right a short little note saying I wil re dedicate myself to posting once a week. Also promising to include my own photography in half of those posts!  Hugs and Kisses and heres hoping this week is a bit slower for not only me but you too!!

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to know if any of your "subtle hints" were successful :)
