First off how can you not LOVE this wooden Sewing Machine. I found it
here. I can just see a little girl playing with it. Maybe once My neice get's older or once I have children.

I have a few freinds from work that I play kickball with every summer and they absolutly LOVE to knit... they actually knit socks very similar to the ones above. I like how warm and yet colorfully creative they are. The would be perfect with some denim and a nice sweater.

This might be a new bag to drool over. I honestly can't even say how much it retails for because it is more than selling my whole left leg! But I just love how they created the pretty rosettes with the soft blush leather! Someday I will own an expensive bag and take amazing care of it and hand it down to my daughter when she is 25!

I just can't get enough bows!!! EVER! Oh and Belts for that matter!

I saw these and thought.. I can do that.. They are simple fabric pom's. I thought what a great idea for Kelly's baby shower this summer?! I will save this idea.
Well tonight I am headed home to sew costumes for the church play and
make a delish dish for dinner!
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