Monday, November 14, 2011

END of an ERRA

It's hard to believe I started this Blog back in 2009.  I have had some good months and some bad.  Not always keeping up on my posts.  As some of you may know Rick is graduating with a web design degree very soon!  He created a new "family" blog for us to post together.  I am actually really excited to see what we can do as a creative team.  I am not sure if I will keep this one going.  For now I will try to post solely from the new BLOG.  Check it out...It is a work in progress but will be fully supported soon.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


So Rick picked up new phones for us today! I am so excited to use it!!! It's like a special gift is waiting for me at home.  I am drooling over this gold polka dot case from Kate Spade.  I think it would be perfect for me.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I don't know why I haven't been into blogging lately.  I guess summer took hold of me and I wasn't in the mood.  I might be a seasonal blogger.  However with the leaves falling off and the weather turning colder I am thinking about stepping it up a notch.  Starting with our costumes from Halloween. I decided last minute that Rick and I should be Mickey and Minnie.  I made my bloomers and skirt.  Not overly creative but fun non the less.
Rick will be graduating a few months and I can't wait to see what is next for us.  He will have a BA in web design.  Once he settles into a new job we talked about creating a new family blog. He will post weekly as will I on differing subjects.  Maybe we will get this started in the new year.  Until then I will post here.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

NEW Balance

So it's true Rick and I have an unhealthy obsession with new Balance and unlike my husband I only own 1 pair.  I just bought a few new pairs for him on Gilt. He loves the funky color combinations. 
Do you ever shop on Gilt?  This is actually also where I bought my gorgeous wedding shoes.
I would recomend signing up. sign up here Seriously Check it out.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


It's officially summer...I think. I feel like this spring in Minneapolis was not cool.  The weather has not been our side and actually right now it is raining. It's almost the 4th of JULY!  I am learning I need to be a more positive person. After recent feedback at work I guess I have a bad attitude sometimes. My husband tends to agree. I guess I can't fully deny the accusations however I thought I once was more of an optimistic, glass half full kind of a girl. Again another reassuring reason my blog name is right on.. At least I am hopeful I will change.

Speaking of CHANGE... See the incredible transformation of Bacon- you remember my once little puppy.  I also posted a new video we took with him playing at the fountain. Rick and I still love him dearly but he is SO BIG and needs so much training. I feel like we will be training him for a life time.

Isn't he So cute! We are taking him on his first camping trip next week. Although I am excited to be in the wilderness with him - I am not sure how I feel about sharing a tent and not having a safe walled in home to leave him in if we need a break. I guess we will see.  I am going to try and be a bit more loyal in the postings. But with so much craziness in my life I cannot promise you anything. I do however promise to blog about what has been causing the craziness the next time I post.  Until then enjoy the fun video's.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I was doing a little web-shopping and found this AMAZING summer bag.  Rick told me I could have my whole bonus this year for my doing.  If I really followed his direction I might splurge on this bag from anthropologie.

However I think there are better things to do with our bonus like...finally create and print our wedding album, or save for a trip that we both deserve, or sign up for a yoga class, pay a credit card off... the list goes on. So I won't buy this amazing summer bag quite yet but it is lovely!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


SO my sister finally had her first baby. It was a BOY and he was almost 10 lbs.  He is the most adorable little man I have seen in a long time.  He looks a lot like my brother in law.  No I have not been home to visit yet but we plan to go first thing in April.  Meet my 2nd nephew Sawyer Christian Lehnert.
Now this post could be entirely about my sisters baby but in fact it is about how I have been a BIG baby!  I hurt my back about a month ago, have been complaining about the weather, how I wish our house were cleaner, complaining about work, complaining about making dinner, the long commute I have every day, taking Bacon outside, and basically everything else I can think about.   Rick can no longer take it. 

I don't mean to complain. I am grateful my back is finally feeling better, that the snow is starting to melt, that Rick helps me when we both find energy to clean, that I have a job and a good one at that, that we can actually afford to make dinner or go out on occasion, that I have a way to get to work, that Bacon is finally potty trained... but sometimes verbally complaining makes me feel like I have gotten it off my chest.  Maybe I should start taking my verbal frustrations up with the Lord. I know he wants to hear from me and this way my husband won't think I am a BIG BABY. 
LOVING this image found here...I shall make it my motto for the remainder of 2011!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

So It GOES...

Print found here...
Print found here....

Life has a curious way of getting away from me. One minute I turn and look and I have plenty of time until Christmas, the  next minute I turn around it is the end of January... Christmas and New Years are long gone, I'm in a new job, with new shoes, and a new need for a vacation.  Speaking of NEW Rick returned home from a weekend with the boys with what I will now refer to as "cheveron -Tom". That is if I combine the above Stache posters.  He says he looks like Mario...I say it's simply not his best look. I prefer the full stuble - and I say stuble because it's sexier than a full beard.  Any way I am definitly not focused on the task at hand which should be Year End Reviews. Instead I thought I would right a short little note saying I wil re dedicate myself to posting once a week. Also promising to include my own photography in half of those posts!  Hugs and Kisses and heres hoping this week is a bit slower for not only me but you too!!